June 2024
Congratulations Nisandi and Mahmoud on your convocation!

May 2024
Brodie successfully defended her PhD. Congratulations Dr. Buchner-Duby!!!!

May was a busy month of conferences. Andrey, Amelia, Charlotte, Julia, Saba, and Shaun attended the Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association meeting and Andrey and Amelia presented posters. Denver gave their fist oral presentation at the Undergraduate Health Research Exploration Conference! Andrey, Amelia, and Charlotte presented at the CBS Graduate Student Symposium and Andrey won best talk! Most of us attended the UoG Neuroscience Day and Charlotte and Amelia won best posters! Finally Shaun presented at ASPET in DC and CAN in Vancouver and Saba also attended CAN.

April 2024
Congratulations to Amelia for being awarded an OGS!
Shaun gave a talk the Department of Biology at McGill hosted by Alanna Watt and got to see the total eclipse while there!

Congratulations on your graduation Will!!
The second NeuroPalm Lab paper was accepted for publication! Congratulations Charlotte, Andrey, Jordan, and Alysha! This is a protocol for the click assay that we wrote for STAR Protocols.
March 2024
Congratulations to Amelia for an excellent Brown Bag seminar!
Congratulations to Denver for being selected for a CBS Summer Research Assistantship for summer 2024!
January 2023
Julia Fux and Étienne Sellar joined the lab as technicians and Ayla Sarnat started her 4th year research project. Welcome to the lab all!
December 2023
Congratulations Andrey on passing your Qualifying Exam! You did an outstanding job!

October 2023
Congratulations to Jordan who convocated this month!

Congratulations to Saba who successfully completed her Brown Bag seminar!
September 2023
Mahmoud Al Ramadan joined the lab as a 4th year project student. Also Nisandi started her 4th year project and Amelia started her MSc. Welcome everyone!
August 2023
Congratulations Jordan on successfully defending your MSc thesis!

July 2023
We are thrilled to announce that the lab was awarded a CIHR Project Grant!
June 2023
Congratulations to the newly minted PhD Candidate Charlotte on passing your Qualifying Exam! You did an exceptional job!
Happy 3 year anniversary to the NeuroPalm Lab!
Congratulations to all of the current and Alumni members of the NeuroPalm Lab that graduated in the June convocation ceremonies – Amelia, Alysha, Arshia, and Fiona (not pictured because Shaun couldn’t find her after)! Special shout out to Amelia who was awarded the Governor General Silver Medal as the top graduating undergraduate student in any program!
May 2023
Alysha got into McMaster Medical School!! Congratulations Alysha!!
Andrey, Jordan, and Shaun attended and presented posters at the Canadian Association for Neuroscience meeting in Montreal. We were there with the Scott, Alpaugh, Lalonde, and NeurdyPhagy (Martin, UWaterloo) Labs (pictured) as well as other UoG labs – Perreault, Descalzi, and Murray. Congratulations Andrey on being awarded a BrightFocus Diversity travel award to attend CAN!
The lab attended UoG Neuro Day and Charlotte and Andrey presented their posters and Jordan gave a very well received talk! Great job everyone!
Saba Sabzevari joined the lab as a PhD student and Denver Bubelich joined the lab as a President’s Scholar Research Assistant. Welcome to the lab Saba and Denver!
Will and Amelia started their USRA summer projects. Welcome back!
April 2023
Congratulations Charlotte and Kevin on your marriage! We wish you a lifetime of happiness.
Congratulations Amelia on being awarded a NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s Award to continue her research starting in September!
Congratulations Amelia, Fiona, Will, and Alysha on the successful completion of your research projects!
March 2023
Shaun attended the EMBO-IUBMB Meeting on Emerging Concepts of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton in Chile and presented Jordan and Arshia’s work.
We hosted Dr. Anirban Banerjee for a departmental seminar. Thanks for coming and discussing all things palmitoylation with us Anirban!
January 2023
Will started his Undergraduate Research Project. Welcome back Will!
November 2022
Arshia successfully defended her MSc! Congratulations Arshia!
Nisandi Herath joined the lab as a volunteer undergraduate researcher. Welcome Nisandi!
October 2022
We are thrilled to announce that the lab was awarded a Azrieli Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research grant from Brain Canada! This will fund Andrey’s work studying GRP78 (BiP) palmitoylation in glioblastomas. See the article in U of G News here and the Guelph Today article here.
September 2022
Amelia Doerksen and Fiona McIlhargey joined the lab as Undergraduate Project Researchers. Welcome to the lab!
August 2022
We attended multiple in person conferences this month. Alysha and Will gave their first poster presentations at the CBS Summer Undergraduate Student Symposium and then Alysha, Will, Andrey, Charlotte, Jordan, and Arshia all gave poster presentations at the Ontario Cell Biology Symposium. Great job everyone!
Shaun, Arshia, Charlotte, and Jordan went to Vermont to attend the FASEB The Protein Lipidation Conference for the lab’s first in-person conference. Jordan and Arshia gave fantastic poster presentations and Charlotte gave a terrific talk. Jordan and Charlotte both won runner up for their respective poster and talk. Congratulations!
June 2022
Congratulations Charlotte on being awarded a 4 year CBS Graduate Tuition Scholarship!!
The lab is 2 years old!
May 2022
Andrey gave his Brown Bag seminar and did a fantastic job!
Alysha Church joined the lab as a NSERC USRA researcher. Welcome to the lab Alysha! Will also started an NSERC USRA, welcome back Will!
Jordan and Arshia presented their first in person posters and Andrey gave his first in person talk (of their graduate careers) at the University of Guelph Neuroscience Day! You all did a fantastic job!
April 2022
Congratulations Jordan on being awarded a NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s!
Nat finished her successful research project, great job Nat!
Charlotte transferred to the PhD program! We’re so excited for you to do your PhD in the NeuroPalm Lab!
March 2022
Arshia got into Medical School! Congratulations Arshia!
January 2022
Jordan gave his Brown Bag seminar and did a fantastic job! Congratulations Jordan!
September 2021
The first NeuroPalm Lab paper was accepted for publication! Congratulations Andrey, Jordan, Arshia, and Charlotte! This is a review we wrote for Neuronal Signaling about the role of palmitoylation in regulating axonal protein trafficking with a highlight on the axon initial segment.
Jordan Kogut came back to start his MSc after a summer break, Andrey transitioned from technician to PhD student, and Kainaat Fatima joined us to do her 4th year undergraduate research project! Welcome to, or back to, the lab! We’re excited to have you!
June/July 2021
Congratulations to Andrey on being selected as the recipient of the 2021 CBS International PhD Graduate Research Assistantship!
Congratulations to Jordan on being selected as a recipient of a 2021 CBS Graduate Tuition Scholarship!
May 2021
Congratulations Charlotte on the fantastic Brown Bag seminar!
Natalina Becke (USRA) and Will Taylor (Research Assistant) joined us for the summer. Welcome to the lab Nat and Will!!
Spring 2021
The lab was awarded a NSERC Discovery Grant to study protein trafficking in axons!
Congratulations to Jordan Kogut, Zane Stekel, and Andrey Petropavlovskiy who all got into grad school! Jordan and Andrey will continue their work in the NeuroPalm lab in fall 2021 as MSc and PhD students, respectively.
Congratulations Arshia on giving an excellent Brown Bag seminar!
January 2021
MSc student Charlotte Townsend joined the lab!! Welcome Charlotte, we’re excited to have you join us!
Shaun gave a talk during the Biochemistry Focus ECR Webinar Series – Developments in Neuroscience, hosted by the Biochemical Society in the UK.
September 2020
MSc student Arshia Leekha, technician Andrey Petropavlovskiy, and undergraduate research project students Jordan Kogut and Zane Stekel joined the lab. The first NeuroPalm lab members!
June 2020
The Sanders lab is officially open!